*We had a Great Soccer season! We really started to learn the game and do better as a team towards the end of the season!
*Austin after Soccer signed up for Flag Football with Daddy being the coach. It was a great season and he loved it even though he did not want to play defense!
* I am getting ready for 3 consignment sales!!
* Alexis Got Glasses for her Extropia, we are going to try this for 3 months. it has improved her speech, PT and OT so much!
* I am going to be an AUNT!! Adam's sister is having a Baby girl at the end of Sept!
*We got in a Car accident May 1st. that was not fun with 2 kids in the car!
* We went to Disney at the beginning of June and had a great time!
* We extended our garden this year. We LOVE IT!
* the Kids switched Gymnastics places, this one is so much better!
* Alexis is going to be having some Gentic testing done to see if she has a condition called 22Q. it has things to do with speech, heart, urinary tract, bowels and more.
* I became the president of my Moms Club here in Murfreesboro, i dont know if that is something to celbrate for or be sad about LOL!
* My good Friend's Daughter Allison needs prayers! she has a tumor on her eye. she is 4 years old!
* While in Fl we got to go to the Bucs Fan Fair day! AWESOME!! Can not wait until season starts. We are also going to the bucs V Titans Preseason Game Aug 15th.
* We went to Adam's Counsin Chris's Wedding Memorial Day weekend in AL. I just noticed that I lost all the reception pics when i transferred them to Disc to reformate my computer! I wanna cry!
* I chopped my hair off and love it!
* my baby brother graduated HS and is going to Tennessee Tech University in august in Cookville!
* Twins had thier program at MDO in May and they start back in September.
* I got to host a Ford American Idol party and have 2 ford Fusions here to test drive and prizes!
* we took madison on our way back from FL to the American Girl store to get her dolls hair Fixed.
* We have went several times to PT mallard in AL to play at the waterpark!
* we have had swim lessons! Madison can swim underwater with her eyes open to me with no life vest on.
Disney Pics will be a seperate post!
* We had a great BBQ on the 4th at our neighbors and the day after a great dinner with our AWESOME friends The Kirkpatrick's!
More pics to come~