Well Monday was rather boring..I did not have the kid i watch he was sick. Austin had his eval for sensory issues, I do not think he will qualify, he is too strong in so many areas. Oh well, I might seek OT on my own for him since he does have some sensory issues. nothing major. Mom came over to see the kids and brought them gifts. Madison a princess outfit, tiara, shoes and purse. Austin a talking Buzz car.
Tuesday We had Calean and we just did our normal thing. I had a meeting that night with POTATO. We played BUNCO so much fun!
today we hung out at the house again too. I went this evening to see my grandmother who went to the dr in Nashville, and stay the night with my mom last night and tonight. I will update you all on her in another post.
I had a migraine today, I called to get a Dr apt, since i do not have a Primary Dr i just went down the ins list of about 7 in murfreesboro (since i need to go in ASAP). None of them could see me until AUGUST. Now I am sick with what i think is a sinus infection! why would i wait till aug! I finally found one that could see me NEXT Wed! I will probably be better then, this has been going on a week already! If i am i am canceling.
I told the kids this morning that mommy's head hurt. Madison says "I hurt too" I said what hurts she paused and paused and said "my my...um um tummy hurts" then Austin Chimed in and said "My head hurts too I fall down and hit my head see look" So funny!
As we were headed to Nanas Madison says "we go to nanas and nana got us presents, Bubby you want Deigo shoes or spiderman shoes"
She thinks that since bubby wanted shoes cause she got princess ones that he needs diego or spiderman shoes. She told Nana to get bubby diego ones.
Madison can not stand it if she gets something she thinks and wanted austin to have something too. One time i gave her a piece of Candy in secret and she ran to Austin and said Austin you want candy, so she came back to me asking me to give him some too. She wants to share (most of the time) now Austin he is not all about that...LOL
here are some pics from the 4th.
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